Parent Resources

Together, we can make a difference.

You know better than anyone what your child needs to be successful.


We’ll help turn that knowledge into action.

As a parent or guardian of an Oklahoma student, you have a unique perspective on our schools and whether or not your family’s needs are being met. We’re honored to partner with parents in our shared mission to improve Oklahoma’s educational landscape and provide the unique learning environments we know students need.

Parent Texting Helpline

Have questions or need help with the new Open Transfer process? Want to get in touch about anything related to education in Oklahoma? OPSA has a new text helpline to get you answers for anything related to education in Oklahoma!

Getting help is as easy as texting 1-833-270-7766.

OPSA Parent Resources

Questions To Ask Before Every IEP Meeting

Before your next meeting, review the IEP checklist and see what additional information you need to be an equal member of the team.

How Not to Leave the IEP Table in Tears

Watch our four-part video series, along with additional downloadable resources, to make sure that you are equipped with knowledge.

You Don't Have To Know Everything

To help IEP & 504 meetings be more effective and child-centered, knowing how to phrase your questions can be a game-changer!

Lista de Verificación del IEP

Preguntas que debes preguntar antes o en cada reunión del IEP!

No Tienes Que Saberlo Todo

Descargue nuestro recurso gratuito para ver qué otras frases positivas pueden ayudarlo a dejar la mesa del IEP sintiéndose empoderado y sin lágrimas.

IEP and 504 Help Available

OPSA has a Master IEP Coach ® who can help at no cost to you! She will walk alongside you from requesting an evaluation to reviewing your child's IEP or 504.

Help Your Child's Teachers

Does your child have an IEP or 504 in place? Download and customize our free snapshot to reflect your child's unique needs and share with their teachers!

OKC Tutoring

Does your student need a little extra help to enhance their learning or fill in some knowledge gaps? We have compiled some resources to help!

Tulsa Tutoring

If you don't find what you need in our resource guides, we suggest using the term "tutoring services near me" in your search engine for more options.

Open Transfer FAQs

Wondering what Open Transfer means for you? We’ve compiled the most asked questions to help you through the new transfer process.

Opportunity Scholarship Fund

The Opportunity Scholarship Fund is a scholarship granting life-changing opportunities to low-income students who would not normally receive a pathway to specialized education.

Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarships

Since 2010, Lindsey Nicole Henry (LNH) Scholarships have provided qualifying students with a school voucher to cover the cost of tuition at eligible private schools.

Oklahoma Private Schools

Unique learning environments that may include smaller class sizes, a specific religious tradition, or a different curriculum than is available in your home district.

Oklahoma Charter Schools

Designed to deliver programs tailored to educational excellence and the needs of the communities. Currently, there are 27+ charter schools across the state.

Back to School Resources

Back-to-school savings tips, school supplies, district start dates, enrichment activities, & other resources to make it a little easier on your wallet.

Tulsa Kids Resources

If you are searching for more information & don't see a resource near you in our guides, please reach out to us via text (833) 270-7766.

School Supplies

If you need school supplies or would like to lend a hand in providing supplies to those in need, we have compiled some resources to connect you!

Tulsa Kids School Supplies

If you are in need of school supplies and don't see a resource near you, reach out to us via text (833) 270-7766.


Hear from Oklahoma parents and families that OPSA has supported!

Website Images

“Thank you for your support through the IEP Advocation Process. And thank you for your tireless efforts to reach out to knowledgeable contacts, research supporting laws and provide supporting documentation, as well as your poignant writing in support of our daughter. You’re a shining example of what it means to be a child advocate."

Katie Miller, Tulsa Parent

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"Thank you SO MUCH for all of this information! We have submitted applications and are now officially on the waitlist at the private school we feel best meets our child's needs and will challenge her appropriately. I appreciate all of your advice and info, it’s been so helpful!"

T.D, Private School Parent

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"Thank you so very much for spending the time to talk to me and to provide all of the helpful resources. I am so glad I found you. At the same time, I feel hopeful and overwhelmed. I’m so glad to have a map to guide my next few steps forward. I’ve already emailed the appropriate person at the district and I am motivated to get started on all the other steps as well. I am really so grateful for our conversation and for your guidance and understanding."

Deer Creek Parent

We'd Love Your Input

Do you have an idea for improving education in our state? Let us know! We welcome the voices of parents, teachers, students, and anyone passionate about Oklahoma education.

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