Recursos Comerciales y Comunitarios

Juntos, podemos hacer la diferencia.

Escuelas fuertes y dinámicas construyen comunidades fuertes y dinámicas.

Cuando se trata de educación, las empresas de Oklahoma quieren lo mismo: escuelas mejoradas que empoderen a sus maestros y eleven a sus estudiantes, lo que a su vez permite que las comunidades prosperen.

Nos sentimos honrados de asociarnos con líderes de la comunidad, ayudándolos a conectarse con las escuelas dentro de su distrito, brindando oportunidades directas para retribuir y utilizando sus conocimientos en nuestra misión compartida de mejorar el panorama educativo de Oklahoma y brindar los entornos de aprendizaje únicos que sabemos que los estudiantes necesitan.

Recursos Comunitarios de OPSA

¿Quiere Trabajar Con Nosotros?

¿Tiene alguna idea para mejorar la educación en nuestro estado? ¡Háganoslo saber! Damos la bienvenida a las voces de los padres, maestros, estudiantes y cualquier persona apasionada por la educación de Oklahoma.


A Word from our Interim Executive Director

Business leaders should be investing in education because when they begin recruiting employees one of the first questions the recruits ask is, where will my kids go to school? So businesses are looking for communities in which there are many educational opportunities for recruits’ kids and also that potential employee themselves. When the schools in any given area are failing it’s difficult to get people to want to move there. Oklahoma is growing and families are coming to join our economy and communities, and those families are looking to our state for educational opportunities. Choice, transparency, and accountability all collaborating with the business community results in better outcomes. Oklahoma’s workforce has to be able to take on the opportunities of today and also face the challenges of the future.

Business leaders must help train an educated workforce in mission-critical areas like engineering and health care. We are working together to ensure that all Oklahoma kids can have a brighter future because EKCO is uniting business leaders, parents, and teachers to work together.  

At EKCO, we encourage a proactive view of the education environment to recruit talent.

When we’re creating many pathways to success for all students, we’re providing them with a better future and a reason to stay and grow in Oklahoma. Kids have many different interests and when we give them a pathway to success in that field and they see how they can apply that interest to a job and make a career out of it, then they see the potential, and they get excited. 



Laura Hendrix

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